Contact Us

Contact & Location

Unit #132 – 555 West 12th Avenue, 
Vancouver, BC, V5Z 3X7

Phone: 236-516-2292
Fax: 604-638-0430

We understand the challenges of giving feedback to healthcare professionals. We always like to hear how we can improve our services.

If you are thinking of providing feedback, please feel free to reach out to us at and we would be happy to hear about how we can better support you and our clients/patients.

Click for directions

Parking and Directions

Parking: We offer 90-minute free parking to clients. You can access the underground parkade through an entrance on Cambie Street or on Ash Street. Please bring your ticket to the clinic and we will validate your parking. Once validated, you can exit directly and no fee is required. Unfortunately, we do not reimburse parking fees if you pay and leave. If you are having difficulties navigating the parking meter, please press the “help” button located on the machine in the parking lot and a parking attendant can assist you.

Public transit: The closest skytrain is Broadway City Hall station. When you exit the station, we are located up the hill on Cambie and West 12th Avenue.  

Evening clients: Mall doors located on West 12th and Cambie close at 5:00 pm. Please enter through the front doors on Ash Street. Underground parking is open until 10:00 pm. 

Our unit is #132 and we are located on the “upper shops” level of the mall above Kin’s Market.